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Hello! This whole retro web stuff seemed cool so I decided to try it out and upload a couple of songs to the old web! :O


robophobia 👀 342 days ago

Hopefully should upload a game experience soon once I got the bugs ironed out woot

robophobia 😎 512 days ago

Programing a responsive animated gif that bobs to the music is surprisingly fun

robophobia 🤩 532 days ago

I made a new chiptune song!

robophobia 😎 598 days ago

I got inspired by Eurobeat to create a new track!

robophobia 👀 619 days ago

Woo I released some lo-fi-ish beats beep boop

robophobia 😎 632 days ago

I am now a K E Y G E N maker (only musically tho)

robophobia 😎 642 days ago

I got important stuff to do but I got distracted and now have made a whole new music track... Sweet! Or gosh darn it, depending on your view

robophobia ✨ 646 days ago

I finally got a hit counter and guestbook up for my website, and I must say this all has been quite fun to work on!

robophobia 👀 647 days ago

This is a quite interesting place, after falling into the rabbithole I have been working on HTML all day nonstop wowza