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ro1y 🙂 525 days ago

Programming a Gemini client instead of actually finishing the base of my new website

ro1y 😛 554 days ago

My website is the only thing I've worked on for longer than a week kekeke

ro1y 😴 556 days ago

Seasonal Effective Disorder blows

ro1y 🙂 558 days ago

Only one guy could make a song about calling random people Bob and burning a grocery store down

ro1y 😎 559 days ago

It's Friday the 13th and the unluckiest thing I've gone through today was a GIR page doll not contrasting well with the rest of my website

ro1y 😡 560 days ago

VS Code's JS+TS extension is so bad that it crashed my VPS wtf

ro1y 🙂 560 days ago

Working on my website yet again!