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they/them | 25 | bnuy


riu 🎮 11 days ago

put fresh batteries in my tama on :D maybe i can keep it going for a few weeks

riu 📚 28 days ago

how do i read when i don't want to. but i do. no i don't. but yes <3

riu 🎶 33 days ago


riu 🌈 54 days ago

went to pride yesterday 🥹 i love being gay and trans

riu ✨ 59 days ago

i wanna learn how to do pretty pixel art

riu 🐱 61 days ago

went to anthrohio yesterday with my partner and finally got to debut our partials :D

riu 😡 65 days ago

biting all these darts i have to sew up BITING BITING BITING RAAAAAAAA

riu 🥳 67 days ago

yesterday was my birthday and not only did my partner get me hello kitty heelys. but they also got us the yumekawa princess miku omg

riu 🍔 69 days ago

havin burgies for dinner!! so excited!!

riu 🌈 73 days ago

almost done with suit heads hehehe >:3 arm sleeves are half done too and then...perhaps feetpaws.......

riu 👀 77 days ago

link cable coming today :3c

riu ❤️ 78 days ago

thinking so hard abt pokemon rn.......

riu ✨ 81 days ago

i'm cleaning!!!!! i'm doing it!!!!!!!!!

riu 🙃 85 days ago

putting tape on foam is HARD

riu ❤️ 86 days ago

morning after concert! did, in fact, sob like a bitch the entire time <3

riu 🎶 87 days ago

going to a concert tonight :D will absolutely scream and cry the entire time!!

riu ☀️ 88 days ago

made tails with my partner today for our partial suits! onto the heads next >:3

riu 🌈 92 days ago

thank you retail therapy for curing me <3