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ringelstim 🧋 23 days ago

i had a matcha latte tho and it was great . enjoyed it thoroughly

ringelstim 🐱 23 days ago

had to dodge this one orange cat because it kept trying to sneak into the cafe after someone fed it a steak sandwich lmfao

ringelstim 🌧️ 24 days ago

it is thunderstormingggg . got lots of great lightning shots so I'm slowing 'em down; the lightning strikes are so beautiful..

ringelstim 🥰 25 days ago

it only took me like fourteen years but i finally caught a moshling on moshi monsters

ringelstim 🤖 26 days ago

ao3's doing the 'shield's are up!' bit @ me and telling me to prove I'm not a robot lmfaoo

ringelstim 🌈 27 days ago

eating apples and peaches for breakfast... call that fruit on fruit crime. cannibalism, even

ringelstim 🙂 27 days ago

managed to remake my homepage from scratch and make it look decent,, but im also iffy on whether it looks more lifeless ..