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HELLOO!!1 My name is Milla!1 i'm argentinian/new zealish! i luv guitar and chocolate. check out my homepage plz!!!
HOLAA!! mi nombre es Milla!1 soy argentina y neozolandeza! me gusta la guitarra y el chocolate. visita mi sitio web!1 <3


riley 😶 311 days ago

biology exam tmr ;-; wish me luck :[

riley 🤔 313 days ago

i <3 art but does it have to be that hard?

riley 🔥 314 days ago

i forgot to change the emoji -___-

riley 🙂 314 days ago

i wonder if tucker carlson still likes M&Ms

riley 😭 322 days ago

anxiety is testing me rn ;-;

riley 😶 326 days ago

i have html block :[

riley 😛 331 days ago

i'm craving fairy bread.

riley 🙂 331 days ago

i'm craving fairy bread.

riley 🤒 341 days ago

i am sick & feel like shish

riley 🤩 346 days ago


riley 🤩 347 days ago

27 can tabs!!1

riley 😛 368 days ago

Can tabs: 25 & counting

riley 🙂 372 days ago

subwoofer is a cool word. like a burger.

riley 🤩 374 days ago

free burgers tmr. i cant wait.

riley 🙂 374 days ago

no one told me bout cappuccino ice cream. and chances are no one told you either. so now u know! :]

riley 😎 375 days ago

im gonna cut mi hair in a week coz its getting longgggggg