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my second site is this, check it out.


rigor-mortis ❄️ 243 days ago

it's 3 degrees outside god help me

rigor-mortis 💻 273 days ago

I've done the iframe for the site, and I hate iframes so well done me.

rigor-mortis 🌙 278 days ago

Another webring added, the owner is really nice!

rigor-mortis 💔 279 days ago

I dunno what to update or add

rigor-mortis 🤒 280 days ago

The Chatbox works, but I'm ill. So expect more updates

rigor-mortis 😡 281 days ago

cant make the chatbox work arghhh

rigor-mortis 😶 281 days ago

Torchwood is kinda gay idk man

rigor-mortis 👽 283 days ago

I'm out for a bit no updates 'til later

rigor-mortis 👽 284 days ago

I want to code but idk what to code

rigor-mortis 🐶 284 days ago

Went to bed at 3am. Tired as FUCK