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ren ☆ he/him ☆ 24 ☆ usa
mood: The current mood of renyoi at


renyoi 🏆 4 days ago

this country is actually insane. byeden

renyoi 🤐 12 days ago

he's still alive. YAWN

renyoi 💻 27 days ago

can i be honest. i still don't understand position:absolute and position:relative

renyoi 🙃 31 days ago

out of money for this month screaming crying etc how am i gonna live.....

renyoi 💻 38 days ago

it's kind of wild firefox doesn't allow custom scrollbars. ik there's probably a reason for it but, still

renyoi ✅ 43 days ago

made the executive decision to lower the amount of japanese flashcards i have to review per day.....the pace was too grueling for me orz

renyoi 💡 46 days ago

bf just made me a life schedule w built-in free time saur hope it works!!

renyoi 💀 58 days ago

my body needs to decide if im sick or not i cant keep doing this halfsies shit

renyoi 😶 60 days ago

sometimes i crave 90s/00s public relationships to media so bad that all of my critical thinking skills fly out of my head

renyoi 🎲 75 days ago

for some reason i am always running out of time to do the things i want to do :[

renyoi ✏️ 86 days ago

need to catch up on japanese studying i missed bc of moving :[

renyoi 🤐 92 days ago

i am so tired BUT we are almost completely moved in to the new apartment. yay!!

renyoi 🎱 100 days ago

big moving day this friday FEAR FEAR FEAR

renyoi 💻 106 days ago

all i want to do lately is browse neocities

renyoi 😶 107 days ago

2-8pm shift tomorrow can't decide how to feel about it :(

renyoi 💀 108 days ago

im gonna be so real i dont even know how people get STARTED making a button. esp when they aren't an artist? like girl what's happening

renyoi ☀️ 108 days ago

i live in seattle so i wasn't able to see the eclipse </3 sad!

renyoi 🥳 110 days ago

it's my birthday!! i am now 24 O_o

renyoi 🥱 111 days ago

feeling sooo tired today & idk why. did grocery shopping but i still have other things i need to do but im tired :[

renyoi 🤩 112 days ago

bday on sunday so i have a 3day weekend yayyyy

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