I've been forgetting about my website im sorry ;3; working on a new layout with a more like early 2000s twang to it! :D

- Homepage
- https://rekored.neocities.org
- Not defined
- About
- 👀
Been getting into ham radio recently, super intresting! Also I am now on furryring webring pogg
Cool! Got the Melonland redirector thingy working!
Okay I got at least the main home page back online! :D Still alooott of work to do getting everything ported over!
its been a minute huh? I'll try to not let the dynamic theme system not go to waste but there will be a few changes idk when it will go live
Currently working on my dynamic stylesheets and banners got fall done just working on halloween 👻
oops when I said it might take a few days.... yeah make that like a few weeks at most xD
Did a huge sort of the folders on the back end so things will be a little broken for a like a few days whilst I correct all the pages
Finally got my dormain working! :D
uugggh why does setting up a custom dormain have to be such a damn PAAAAIINNNNN AAAAAAAAA
I made a garden to house all my pets n stuff, its in the lab!
Just guilty that there isn't really anything like done 100% on my page kinda why I'm setting up labs page I will have for the next update
wooo ml foum account activated :3
oh wtf was I just looking at cached versions or was NC just screwing with me?
NC being whack tonight xD even overridden the whole HTML though the editor, nada
imma try doing it though the web ui and see if that works, i guess you'd know it works XD
Neocites upload seems to be slow, site isn't updating even though server says its uploaded :/
tried to do that here but the js police said no ;3;
pretty much done wonder how you get custom text on here though anyway expect this level of crazy on the main site soon AND DYNAMIC :)
okay found a workaround isn't random but but it works i guess