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i 💙 my wife.


rei 🍦 73 days ago

kind of want a sweet treat as a reward for a job well done today...? is it a smart financial choice though? hmm

rei ❤️ 79 days ago

7 years together, i love you💙💛

rei ☀️ 88 days ago

far too hot recently!! can't cuddle my wife as often... unless? nothing will stop me for long (turns on airconditioning at full blast)

rei ☀️ 107 days ago

i love you 💙 only you are ever the one to brighten up my day like this

rei ❤️ 128 days ago

i love you and no words can ever capture that depth

rei ❤️ 240 days ago

wife being cute.

rei 🌱 250 days ago

terraria is surprisingly engaging...

rei ☕️ 254 days ago

sweet coffee......