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reevm0te ❄️ 54 days ago

why i smy body doing that thing where it turns random parts of my body cold and i have to guess which part it assaults next I DONT LIKE THIS

reevm0te 🙂 54 days ago

can someone grab the little anxiety creature inside of me and smush it for me. please please please please please please please please ple

reevm0te 🤩 64 days ago

im never updating m y css

reevm0te 🤩 64 days ago

im never updating m y css

reevm0te 😯 64 days ago

i want mentos

reevm0te 😭 64 days ago


reevm0te 🥳 64 days ago

its my great grandmas 100th birfday (confetti) (confetti)

reevm0te 🙂 65 days ago

now that i've produced asmo confetti let's talk about you ntt solmare. why is asmo allergic to serving

reevm0te 😯 65 days ago

squeezes kikuo until they burst into bloody confetti. youre next asmo obey me

reevm0te 💔 65 days ago

theres so much i wanna do.... art doll...... anatomy........ shading study....

reevm0te 🙂 65 days ago

wow my parents love me so much! /sarc

reevm0te 🙂 65 days ago

i slept for wayyy too long and totally ignored my english project :((((

reevm0te 🐱 66 days ago

would you love me if i was a kittie >yes

reevm0te 🥺 66 days ago

imm hungry for noodle snack.............

reevm0te 🙂 66 days ago

well that was really really helpful /sarc

reevm0te 🥳 66 days ago

this world isnt livable anymore. my proposition: we launch ourselves into space and float around until we get hit by space debris

reevm0te 😶 66 days ago

why is every adult around me so stupid that they cant even look further than the title to find facist propaganda and absolute bullshit

reevm0te 😶 66 days ago

fun fact polymer clay does NOT air dry. i need to oven bake super sculpey what is this

reevm0te ❤️ 67 days ago

>hey whts ur favorite character why i love asmodeus obey me: a thesis

reevm0te 🙂 67 days ago

matt rose save me. save me matt rose

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