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Artist and video game enjoyer.
Page style is a WIP, please excuse the messiness for now.

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reala 😶 93 days ago

I dipped my toes back into posting art, and I'm already feeling uncomfortable, so I'm definitely still not into it

reala 🔥 143 days ago

Ggghhhhhh I wanna put so much stuff on my website!! My drive for webbing is BACK

reala 💻 159 days ago

Next order of business for my site is to add a pixel art section

reala 💻 211 days ago

actually not too many things! i just have to reupload some stuff probably

reala 💤 211 days ago

oh cool. is broken so now i have to see how many things that broke on my site

reala 🙂 211 days ago

There's a pit in my stomach and a twist in my throat that I can't shake

reala 🌧️ 221 days ago

aaaaaaaah I really do not like winter depression

reala 🙂 239 days ago

I actually have a small site update planned and I'm excited!

reala 😡 248 days ago

I wish everyone who mistreats animals a very go to hell

reala 🎮 254 days ago

I can't believe I missed out on Legends Arceus for so long, it's so much fun

reala 😶 261 days ago

Man I had no idea sinus infections could be so horrible

reala 💤 303 days ago

Everything is so much

reala 😶 311 days ago

Yes I'm aware of the weird shit my banners do on mobile. No I don't know how to fix it yet

reala 💻 312 days ago

OKAY I've decided that the next order of business for my site is game shrines and info!!

reala 😶 314 days ago

i kinda wanna change my site layout...

reala 💤 320 days ago

been way too busy lately

reala 🎶 325 days ago

debating on having a (non-autoplaying) music player on every page of my site or not, right now it's only on my about page

reala 😶 329 days ago

there's something both relaxing and terrifying about being the only one in the office at night

reala 😡 338 days ago

I wish more people understood about IT that we don't actually care if you know anything or not, we care if you're being a dick to us

reala 💤 340 days ago

I really wanna clean my room but I'm so effing tired

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