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hiii i'm frankie :3


razor2_therosary 😭 18 hours ago

i js tried to outrun a car to get my mother's attention jesus christ

razor2_therosary 💻 1 day ago

why can't i see the scrollbar on the other pages,,, what am i doing wrong,,,

razor2_therosary 💀 1 day ago

why do all these middle schoolers look like they're in 3rd grade what happened

razor2_therosary 😡 1 day ago

some of the girls in my debate class get on my nerves so bad ughh

razor2_therosary 🔥 1 day ago

i'm so sleepy but at least i had the best pumpkin spice coffee ever ^__^

razor2_therosary 🎶 2 days ago

talking to myself by waterparks is so good & i have Many Ideas for writing.

razor2_therosary 💻 2 days ago

i gotta find a chatbox to add to my website... also an rss feed.

razor2_therosary 💔 2 days ago

me and my love-hate relationship w webdesign...