in my mauve era
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i've had the sniffles for a few days, is it a back-to-school cold or a slept-without-the-heater-on cold?
after a month of beautiful and luxurious winter vacation, im back at work and feelin great!!!
just finished a reread of tatarigoroshi (mindblown.png)
sick sick sick sick SICK of xmas music already
all my work is either done or will be in the next few days, the breaks around the corner, hanging out with friends soon, feeling positive!!
ready to go home and eat a big cartoony burger
substitute teaching is not for the weak of heart, i need to get paid more to deal with that teenage bs
theme for today: throw out your shame and ask those questions youre afraid to ask
dying over sidem once again
scared for my financial future (cries in credit card debt
might be adopting a pair of kitties tomorrow!?!?
15 minutes away from my break, im sooooo freakin hungry