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ramses ☀️ 200 days ago

despite all things - I always feel like this is a small safe space.

ramses ❤️ 383 days ago

have not decided what to do with the journal of my site. in the meantime I’m taking it easy

ramses 🌱 388 days ago

getting through the summer

ramses 🌈 396 days ago

just keep going. a little bit more.

ramses ☀️ 403 days ago

a new week just started. let’s just go through.

ramses 🌈 406 days ago

5 more minutes please…

ramses 🐶 407 days ago

it’s pretty sunny and I’m loving going for walks these days. still in a small holiday break (and mood)

ramses 💤 409 days ago

feeling pretty sleepy over the past couple of days.

ramses ☀️ 410 days ago

walking in the sun, swimming and taking photos〜

ramses 😴 415 days ago

although jetlag is hitting hard, I’m really enjoying the sunny days. everyone’s nice and friendly.

ramses ✨ 417 days ago

despite all the latest events — I’m feeling fresh

ramses 🥹 418 days ago

i was so busy recently that I forgot about what’s coming up. feeling pretty excited.

ramses ✨ 425 days ago

trying to take it easy and enjoy this unusual Sunday.