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quest 💻 246 days ago

i should really play colors tcg again i miss it and work on my site more but life has been crazy lately, not much motivation to do much :/

quest 🐱 269 days ago

i’ve been too obsessed with pixel cats end to work on my site

quest 💻 303 days ago

my page looks more like my site now yay

quest 🥰 303 days ago

seeing myself in someones button wall / list of websites is such a better feeling than getting followed by someone on social media

quest ☀️ 386 days ago

summers gotta be one of if not the worst season

quest 💀 388 days ago

the joint pain in my hands is not happy after i spent all day typing

quest 🙃 390 days ago

the bane of my existence .. about pages

quest 🥰 395 days ago

finally done my new site yayy

quest 💀 397 days ago

redesigning my site is gonna kill me omg

quest 🥳 519 days ago

i'm 20 today!

quest 💤 522 days ago

thinking about recoding my site but i havent even been using my computer since i got it back from being repaired lol ive been so tired

quest ❤️ 528 days ago

my anniversary today <3 ( also i am not sick anymore ^.^ but too lazy to work on my site.. lots happening )

quest 🤒 533 days ago

i have been sick T_T

quest ✏️ 550 days ago

i wish more of my friends had sites but i dont think any of them are even into coding

quest 💻 563 days ago

literally the first time i sat down to work on my site in ages. oops! too much going on

quest 🥰 617 days ago

i think im happy with my code on here now im really proud of it

quest 💤 617 days ago

tired today

quest 💻 619 days ago

every day i wake up and say i'll work on my site and every day i don't work on my site

quest 🤒 620 days ago

chronic pain is a bitch tbh

quest 😴 621 days ago

considering joining dreamwidth.. not too sure yet though. very sleepy today