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Hi I'm Merle :) 32, she/they, queer, furry


qrunchy 🌈 420 days ago

I've been having fun making little pixel chao lately. I want to post them when I get a little collection together

qrunchy 😱 423 days ago

Partner wrecked her car this morning. D: She's okay thankfully with just a wrist fracture but we'll have to replace the car. 😅

qrunchy 👀 425 days ago

whenever I look at pixel adoptables I get the itch to make some of my own... could be fun to make some chao ones or something :>

qrunchy 💡 426 days ago

Learned about modding hair for FFXIV to help my wife with a conversion and now I'm feeling empowered to try my hand at it

qrunchy 😎 426 days ago

Ready for the three day weekend!!

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