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Thinking about throwing myself off a bridge every other day Life's p good rn


purolandz 🙂 58 days ago


purolandz 📺 58 days ago

-the nuclear boom does that bother you

purolandz 🤖 72 days ago

hate having to control myself why can't i just go apeshit with no repercussions

purolandz 🥰 75 days ago

Life's peak is having a blond guy send you a heart through text it doesn't get better than that

purolandz 💀 79 days ago

y'all are stupid if you think ratio would listen to my ordinary life ffs

purolandz 💡 94 days ago

do any of you own a gun

purolandz 🥺 102 days ago

THANK YOU LORD FOR BLOND MEN (they're all for me)

purolandz 🙃 105 days ago

wth am I doing fr fr

purolandz 😡 106 days ago

Why are you not talking to me

purolandz 🏆 109 days ago

I know my role. I don't really like it but I gotta accept it sooner or later

purolandz 😡 111 days ago

Trapped again in this meat prison

purolandz 💤 113 days ago

Is this bed my last resting place? Is this my executioner? I this my axe and my noose? "you're such a drama queen -_-U"

purolandz ✏️ 114 days ago

I woke up in multiple dreams after that and told everyone what I had seen.

purolandz 🥺 119 days ago

He's an angel, I don't deserve him. He doesn't hate me he doesn't

purolandz 😶 120 days ago

they don't. they don't actually care they just do it to feel like heroes if they were actually good people they would just let you do it

purolandz 🤔 156 days ago

massachusetts u.s. mail