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He/They. I'm a 29 year old goth with two kids and a cat. I do not get out much (ever really) so I have a lot of projects.


polyphylactery 🌱 28 days ago

I got three new plants today! spearmint, a horseradish very near harvest time, and a two year old raspberry bush. ;0;

polyphylactery 💀 37 days ago

I am once again begging my blood to just be normal for once.uuuuuuuuugh

polyphylactery 🥳 45 days ago

My husband brought me shawarma and a baklava for lunch ;0;

polyphylactery 🙂 46 days ago

My little mp3 player has lit up my life lmao i should write a blog post about it

polyphylactery 🌧️ 48 days ago

One of my teeth chipped last night, and I'm really fucked up about it. I wish my body would stop falling apart all the time.

polyphylactery ✨ 52 days ago

I'm so excited for this week to be over

polyphylactery 🙂 57 days ago

I almost never catch live streams ♡ happy to catch this one

polyphylactery 💀 57 days ago

Finished painting a shirt and posted a picture on my DIY page only for Neocities to not post on my profile that I updated it;0;

polyphylactery 🙂 58 days ago

I would really like to write today, but I have no real inspiration either. Very annoying.

polyphylactery 🌱 59 days ago

Rhubarb leaves are so beautiful to me. If I could be anything it'd be a mix of rhubarb and a bat.

polyphylactery 🙂 61 days ago

I do succulents mostly and just started with herbs so the learning curve is bit lol

polyphylactery 💀 61 days ago

Someon just showed me a new way to water my indoor plants that is ACTIVELY FIXING THEM IN FRONT OF MY EYES ;0;

polyphylactery 💀 61 days ago

I have to make a Screamin' Jay Hawkins shrine page...

polyphylactery 😴 62 days ago

Unfortunately it is a dizzy day. ;0; ugh.

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