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Hi! I'm Q (he/him), but you can call me Pi or Lio, too. I'm a wannabe poet, online hermit, and the ghost haunting your local 7/11.


poisongardenz 🤖 695 days ago

i love funky sunglasses so much it's unreal

poisongardenz 💀 696 days ago

seasonal allergies + new septum piercing is hell

poisongardenz 📺 703 days ago

Longview by Green Day my beloved. ear worm time

poisongardenz ❤️ 715 days ago

just finished my re-listen of wolf359 and i'm crying. i'm never getting over this fucking podcast

poisongardenz 📰 722 days ago

i wanna write a collaborative poem with someone so bad it's unreal. something about creating art with a stranger idk

poisongardenz 🌧️ 732 days ago

actually humidity should be illegal. i'm melting but i'm being soooooo brave about it

poisongardenz ❤️ 734 days ago

going shopping with my friend for his birthday :) the point of life is to be silly with your friends btw

poisongardenz 💡 735 days ago

i have a headache and i'm being so annoying about it <3

poisongardenz 🌧️ 737 days ago

i'm cursed by the narrative (<- has seasonal depression but hates the heat, so summer is hell)

poisongardenz 🤖 747 days ago

attempting to integrate a blog into my neocities. why is javascript. why