Just bought another dumb toy car from Japan 🥲
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- 24 • Hey there. Just another dude.
The power went down for a few minutes and now it’s back. Rain, rain, go away… I’m not in the mood today.
This rain is making me all gloomy...
It’s windy outside and I’m hearing some very concerning sounds. And it’s gonna rain too, or so says the forecast.
Happy new month. I can't say I expect things to be better than they were in July...
I can't focus :/
Good morning once again. I'm so sleepy...
I fixed the galleries, now they should be functional...
Oh cool, I broke the galleries on my site as I was changing something… oh well, it’ll be fixed tomorrow lol
This week sure has been something, with my anxiety being all over the place. I'm probably gonna jinx it, but I feel okay today.
Good morning people. I complain that my feet are cold, yet I'm only wearing socks. I'm so stupid lol
It'll be a while before I work on the Museum section on the website, so I'm polishing up other things in the meantime.
Still feeling a bit weird...
I'm probably gonna take a break...
I hate this season :/
Still a bit tense, but not enough to stop me from working.
Good night. I need some sleep…
Had a long walk today. Unlike last time though, my feet didn't end up all sore. Curse you, memory foam.
I really need some sleep... I won't forgive those party people from last night.
I try to sleep, only to be interrupted by some assholes who are partying. Ugh…