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24 • Hey there. Just another dude.


poble 🙂 42 days ago

It's so cold today, and now I'm waiting for the rain. The forecast says it'll begin at 5pm.

poble 🙃 42 days ago

Just bought another dumb toy car from Japan 🥲

poble 🌧️ 44 days ago

The power went down for a few minutes and now it’s back. Rain, rain, go away… I’m not in the mood today.

poble 🌧️ 45 days ago

This rain is making me all gloomy...

poble 🌧️ 45 days ago

It’s windy outside and I’m hearing some very concerning sounds. And it’s gonna rain too, or so says the forecast.

poble 🙂 46 days ago

Happy new month. I can't say I expect things to be better than they were in July...

poble ❄️ 48 days ago

I can't focus :/

poble 🥱 49 days ago

Good morning once again. I'm so sleepy...

poble 😎 50 days ago

I fixed the galleries, now they should be functional...

poble 😱 50 days ago

Oh cool, I broke the galleries on my site as I was changing something… oh well, it’ll be fixed tomorrow lol

poble 🙂 51 days ago

This week sure has been something, with my anxiety being all over the place. I'm probably gonna jinx it, but I feel okay today.

poble ❄️ 52 days ago

Good morning people. I complain that my feet are cold, yet I'm only wearing socks. I'm so stupid lol

poble 🙂 52 days ago

It'll be a while before I work on the Museum section on the website, so I'm polishing up other things in the meantime.

poble 🤒 53 days ago

Still feeling a bit weird...

poble 🤒 53 days ago

I'm probably gonna take a break...

poble ❄️ 54 days ago

I hate this season :/

poble 😶 55 days ago

Still a bit tense, but not enough to stop me from working.

poble 😴 55 days ago

Good night. I need some sleep…

poble ☀️ 55 days ago

Had a long walk today. Unlike last time though, my feet didn't end up all sore. Curse you, memory foam.

poble 🥱 56 days ago

I really need some sleep... I won't forgive those party people from last night.

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