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plushiecryptid 👽 66 days ago

my bday vacay starts today!! woohoo!!

plushiecryptid 👽 73 days ago

i made my partner sea salt ice cream from kingdom hearts!!

plushiecryptid 👽 79 days ago

eating watermelon and starting season 2 of yuru camp :3 !!!

plushiecryptid 👽 79 days ago

eating watermelon and starting season 2 of yuru camp :3 !!!

plushiecryptid 👽 92 days ago

went on a walk today and saw 9 dogs and 2 cats life is good

plushiecryptid 👽 100 days ago

finally got the fonts working on my sites i feel so silly for not figuring it out faster :'3

plushiecryptid 👽 109 days ago

the weather is finally warming up here!! it was so nice and sunny today <3

plushiecryptid 👽 115 days ago

srry can't code rn... my stardew farm needs me...

plushiecryptid 👽 117 days ago

just preordered a doll i've wanted for 13 years it feels so good

plushiecryptid 👽 119 days ago

if you saw me playing stardew for 12 hrs straight today no u didn't

plushiecryptid 👽 121 days ago

main art site's homepage is finally done!!! i redid it like 3 times but its done!!!! woo!!!

plushiecryptid 👽 123 days ago

finally planning out my main art site... very intimidated but i'm still motivated...

plushiecryptid 👽 128 days ago

mmmm i made peanut butter cookies and now i'm downloading the stardew update :3

plushiecryptid 👽 130 days ago

i don't want to go to work today its so cold D:

plushiecryptid 👽 132 days ago

spinel su continues to be top tier, her fighting style is so cool

plushiecryptid 👽 133 days ago

almost done rewatching steven universe for the first time since it ended! i love this show

plushiecryptid 👽 135 days ago

yummm frozen mocha coffee for me :3c !

plushiecryptid 👽 136 days ago

finally made it to my days off this week, hopefully i'll get some coding or art done!