took out the first lolita dress i bought to sell but then got so emotional looking at it i put it away again.... i'll hold on a bit longer!!
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listed out all the bl i read & keep up with weekly for my site and wow!!! a lot more than i thought! and i still think i missed a few
i am going to invent old school runescape toxic yaoi
thinking about making a "lookbook" page for my site with my ootds! but i'm still unsure how i feel about putting pics of myself on... hmm...
just wrote the most miserable diary entry for my site i SWEAR i'm happy guys.... i literally just play runescape....
if you do not hear for me its because i'm runescapin hard
they brought bagel bites back to canada but i can taste a difference.... i know something is amiss.......
in the worst era of my life rn but at least i have ogata nendoroid
my new room is so small but i think it's so cute!
my life is changing very fast and i'm unsure how to feel about it!
i need to pack so bad!!! but i can't stop thinking about ogata golden kamuy!!!!
ogata hyakunosuke............
ogata hyakunosuke love club
it's my birthday!!
wah none of my irl friends like golden kamuy but who am i if i can't send walls of text to ppl about my thoughts (pls talk 2 me about ogata)
how am i gonna come back from vacation with pneumonia. get me out of here
getting so tanned on vacation!
soft-launching newfoundland to my city bf by taking him to st john’s first
country music they could never make me hate u
so excited for my trip...!