Bad habit: Taking naps at 7PM, waking up at 12AM, staying awake until 5AM, then sleeping until noon...

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Happy Birthday to Rice Shower, the Horse
Coffee's caffeine is a great motivation booster when you rarely ever drink coffee. I'm so jittery and Productive!!!
They should make shrimp flavored chocolate. It wont taste good but that doesnt matter. it just Needs to exist
I've turned to visiting new websites in my free time instead of scrolling twitter. I feel like i've been to almost every Neocity by now
gotta incorporate halftones & gradients into my digital art more. They can really make a drawing pop and feel more vibrant when done right
i wanna use the cool new CSS features, but at the same time i REALLY want my site to work on my crummy old iPad running iOS 14....
When will i get to eat pierogi again
Using a website builder would absolutely make things easier and prettier and faster, but deploying raw html is all i know.
I want it to stop being cold!
been really into licensed flash games lately
Every 3 months i want to redesign my website again... i'm in the middle of a redesign right now. should i start over? dont answer that
I cant play games on my computer. i will never get used to it. If it's not a flash game or an rpgmaker thing it just feels weird
A 30 min. nap between assignments ballooned into a 4 h. one, but i'm feeling much more refreshed and am actually able to work now!!!
Maybe i also need to go to bed earlier....
My vision and memory keep getting worse; as a result, i've been forgetting and losing my personal belongings more often!!!! Ughh!!!
Good Lord, it is already February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lately i've enjoyed drawing self-indulgent things for my eyes only. They take fifteen minutes at most, and then I stare at them for longer
Working on this webshrine fanpage thing has been very healing