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pizzacatdelights2 🥹 1 day ago

Got locked out of my own room for 3 hours and nearly had a meltdown because of it!

pizzacatdelights2 🙃 4 days ago

And P.S., I'm getting sick and tired of living through historical events...

pizzacatdelights2 💀 5 days ago

Just woke up to see Joe Biden is offically dropping out of the 2024 Election. We might be doomed...

pizzacatdelights2 😭 13 days ago

Feeling sad right now because one of my favorties have been eliminated from this week's episode of Total Drama...

pizzacatdelights2 💀 15 days ago

Update: turns out two of the dead link buttons just changed their website name. I need to stop staying up past 3am...

pizzacatdelights2 😱 15 days ago

Just put 3 more link buttons on my 404 Sites Graveyard section of my Cool Links! page. What's the heck is going on!?!

pizzacatdelights2 🤔 15 days ago

Just find out another website I followed on Neocities left. This is concerning...

pizzacatdelights2 😱 20 days ago

Good news: I'm finally finshed writing my upcoming blog! Bad news: It's 19 pages LONG!!

pizzacatdelights2 😎 24 days ago

At least I have been waking up early as of late. Good for my sleep schedule.

pizzacatdelights2 🙃 32 days ago

Just unlocked a new fear: soda spilling on your carpet because it's been moved around in my bookbag for a half-an-hour. Ugh...

pizzacatdelights2 🔥 38 days ago

Oh boy, today's Nintendo Direct threw some punches! Mario and Luigi is back from the dead and Prime 4 is real! Like damn!

pizzacatdelights2 😯 38 days ago

Tomorrow is the Nintendo Direct. Hope I'll still be awake when it comes on...

pizzacatdelights2 📺 42 days ago

It look like my Total Drama brainrot is bad to the point I forgot my animes! At least I finally finished Delicious in Dungeon today!

pizzacatdelights2 🎶 46 days ago

Been blasting loud music from my headphone lately. My phone's headphone audio warning hates me.

pizzacatdelights2 🤒 52 days ago

But in unfortunate news, most of my family got food posioning over the weekend and it sucks!

pizzacatdelights2 🤩 54 days ago

Welp it's offical, my Total Drama special interest is back with a vengeance thanks to the new season!

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