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just some coding maniac you might bump into while surfing the web.


philia995 🎶 106 days ago

catching up on some work while finishing v6.

philia995 🙂 106 days ago

catching up on some work while finishing v6.

philia995 🎶 106 days ago

catching up on some while finishing v6.

philia995 📰 152 days ago

finished downloading more games, i have so much to do..

philia995 📰 176 days ago

working working working... my mind runs on html..

philia995 💤 268 days ago

working on a new website layout for 2004 :) exciting

philia995 🍏 295 days ago

pretty tired lately, waiting patiently for December :)

philia995 💤 322 days ago

today it rained quite a bit so i sadly didnt get to go to the market as planned.

philia995 🌧️ 331 days ago

i've been really sick in bed so sadly no coding, hopefully I get better soon

philia995 🌱 354 days ago

finally finished my new index. very happy with how it came out :)

philia995 🌱 365 days ago

spent most of my day at my desk, but i went on a walk during sunset when it was cooler and found a clover patch.

philia995 🌱 405 days ago

went on a walk today. it was raining

philia995 ☀️ 434 days ago

i'm finally on summer break. excited to code more pages/finish the stuff i already started.

philia995 📚 459 days ago

it's rainy outside today, i love when it rains because i get so much work done.

philia995 📚 464 days ago

finally finished the new layout, only took a few weeks lol.

philia995 🌧️ 470 days ago

currently trying to recover from being sick.. my fever went away and i'm feeling better but I lost so much time to code..

philia995 🌱 476 days ago

rewatching castlevania after pulling an all-nighter. alucard is such a beautiful and deep character..

philia995 🌱 509 days ago

today was very relaxing.. i spent all day working on my coding and watching my favorite movies.

philia995 🌱 536 days ago

trying not to make a new site layout every week lol. my coding skills keep getting better.

philia995 💻 537 days ago

currently coding with my cloud strife plush. :)

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