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im ciel ! i use this page as a little mini-blog :3

here ill post my little daily thoughts , im really talkative and i feel like this is the best way to get my feelings out without bothering others (´꒳`)♡


pearlette ❄️ 95 days ago

i miss my blog so much im gonna cry i miss my website but i know i cant go back how do i get over this how do i finally accept my failure

pearlette 😭 120 days ago

guess whos coding again . . .

pearlette 😭 176 days ago

im gonna cry my site is making me crazy istg

pearlette 💤 182 days ago

so tired today . . . i dont wanna be at school

pearlette ❄️ 186 days ago

fucking hate my site

pearlette 😭 186 days ago


pearlette 🥹 190 days ago

might give up on coding my website completely :( its too hard for me

pearlette 😭 191 days ago

starting to get burnt out from coding . . .

pearlette 🥱 196 days ago

cut off a shitty friend that didnt like me for being "immature" . . . serves him right ! fuck u !

pearlette 😭 200 days ago

2 exams today . . . ughhhhhh

pearlette ❄️ 201 days ago

it snowed yesterday ! ! unfortunately all melted but still exciting !