blog post coming soon; reading one of the messiest stories i've ever laid eyes on... ai yazawa the writer that you are...
- Homepage
- Not defined
- About
- Not defined
blog section is up! no entries yet, tho...
still working on blog section...
mini update; added a /fun page :~)
blog section coming soon; just gotta think of smth to actually write about lol
fixed 'about' page, added 'links' page, and now there's a guestbook! all live rn~
updating 'about' page; should be live by EOD :~)
new layout is finished and will be live soon~
currently working on a new layout and possibly adding a guestbook and blog section :D
hello it's been a while! gonna update the about section and maybe change the layout again?? idk we'll see
links page is up! may make some additional updates but for the most part the site is done :D
about page is live~ will add links page soon :D
currently working on about page; should be up in a day or two!
changed the layout and added some stamps/blinkees! will add pages soon <3
stressfully coding... not sure if i like the new updates...
happily coding atm