just googled searched: "sonic youth blast beat"

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- A sufficiently grotesque elfish aspect.
Meat Puppets - Meat Puppets II
Canada's biggest band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZx5uqLih0U
under the radar christmas song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9X3dBewNyQ
If you remove the singles from In Utero you have a cool sounding album of punk music with no melodramatics or just enough melodramatics
Nirvana is a Celtic Frost worship band
New Cds Crass - Penis Envy Pharaoh Sanders - Karma Merzbow - Aqua Necromancer
listening to merzbow on mute by accident
Merzbow - Aqua Necromancer https://absurdexposition.bandcamp.com/album/aqua-necromancer-expanded
just spent 8 dollars on 20 bandaids and when i got home my finger wasnt bleeding anymore
just became the first human to remove steve reich CD from player and put in blink 182 CD
cool https://fievelisglauque.bandcamp.com/album/rong-weicknes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3y3p3V1LNk The most positive sounding song ever written about hitting someone with a hammer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzvBVqr3Y-E when weezer was a sludge band
black dice CDs on repeat
bought 2 lightning bolt CDs at the lightning bolt concert
Lightning Bolt 2nite
https://totalpeace.bandcamp.com/album/immersive-bongo-world Check this one out - as immersive as it claims.
listening to music you like makes life worth living
Sonny Rollins - Freedom Suite