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not a typical person. oil is very good, bleach is better than oil, uranium is even better. yes, my profile pic is from my channel


ords 🎮 700 days ago

BUTCHER is still not done

ords 🥹 701 days ago

what is this emoji. I'm serious, it shows as a square.

ords 👀 706 days ago

I don't know. -fool

ords 🙂 706 days ago

still working on BUTCHER

ords 🤔 711 days ago

Still making the story to BUTCHER.

ords 🙂 717 days ago

Use code QUACKQUACK for 10 percent discount on shop.ords.rf.gd

ords 🙂 720 days ago

I'm not smiling.

ords ✏️ 721 days ago

Drawing Assets...

ords 🥺 727 days ago

messed up the code. rewriting code. pain in my ass.

ords 💻 728 days ago

oh yeah. everyone's programming language, C. still working on BUTCHER

ords 💤 728 days ago

lazy bum...

ords 💾 729 days ago

Working on BUTCHER.