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ophanim 🥹 240 days ago

ough... old man wizard powers please activate

ophanim 🙂 348 days ago

haircuts are the true molt

ophanim 🌧️ 387 days ago


ophanim ☀️ 424 days ago

downloading unreal engine

ophanim 🙂 441 days ago

will i be able to pack my college dorm in 2 days? the world may never know

ophanim 🐱 452 days ago

I just needto fall asleep in my friend's arms and become a cat I think

ophanim 💀 461 days ago

so stupid!!!

ophanim 🙂 480 days ago

Neither of your emails are available. How are you going to keep accountability now? Although I will miss you, you are failing yourself most.

ophanim 🌙 489 days ago

really... you're going to complain of me being busy and then you will decide to go when I am least busiest -_-... that is so silly...

ophanim 🙂 521 days ago

I wanna sit down for a few days just to explore more of my hobbies. I started crocheting but I think I crocheted the corner inside out...

ophanim 🌙 541 days ago

The ice looks like snow... It's a bit pretty but very dangerous still ^^;

ophanim 🙂 542 days ago

Site is mobile friendly now wahoo!!