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Uses she/he pronouns, more gender info inside Carrd page. Using this like I would with the Myspace mood feature.


ookamij64 🌱 36 days ago

Should be in bed but just now getting around to it after some New Horizons play.

ookamij64 😭 44 days ago

It's finally Wednesday, but I want it to be Friday already...

ookamij64 🔥 45 days ago

Portia is fun, but Celeste is a pain to enjoy because I can't really enjoy a game with so much pressure to think and act...

ookamij64 🎮 45 days ago

So close to finishing shift at work. Too invested in getting back into Portia on Xbox Game Pass.

ookamij64 🤔 50 days ago

Not exactly sure what I'm feeling. Kind of just lethargic atm...

ookamij64 🙃 50 days ago

Recently finished setting up this account...