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i am quiz the hardcore + awesome


omori 💀 16 days ago

rolls over in my grave...

omori 📖 252 days ago

currently pretending to give a shit about writing journalism

omori 💔 320 days ago

had one of the worst sleeps of my life last night when will summer end...?

omori 🤒 321 days ago

i have the sniffles and my ears feel weird im going to kill myself

omori 😡 323 days ago


omori 🎁 346 days ago

happy bday to meeeeeeeee im gonna look at alot of roland images

omori 💤 356 days ago

tired after spending all day coding my index page... it was worth it though!

omori 🙂 356 days ago

super proud of how my index page looks rn :) i'll release it soon!

omori 🌙 365 days ago

i love a product and the themes in them, not a company

omori ❤️ 399 days ago

im so normal about roland from ruina btw so normal so okay

omori 🧐 413 days ago

been thinking abt lobotomy corporation lately. i kind of miss it

omori ❤️ 459 days ago

i love angels!!

omori ❤️ 575 days ago

oz monster prom..... i love you!!

omori 💀 657 days ago

can never trust an artist who does breakcore or dnb theyre always the worst

omori ✨ 667 days ago

been very into custom cursors lately.. theyre so cool!

omori 🌧️ 688 days ago

saw a mr lee plush yesterday online and I WANT HIM SO BADDD but ive never used alexipress T_T

omori ❤️ 707 days ago

sudden heavy urge to make a mr lee shrine.. i feel this is inevitable

omori 🍔 707 days ago

that last status was a great way to remember to eat.. hey me! go eat!

omori 🍱 709 days ago

making great progress with a new layout for my site but i kinda forgot to eat