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always sleepy, always tired.


omni 🌈 573 days ago


omni 💻 576 days ago

here comes that classic wave of misery.

omni ☕️ 577 days ago

maybe i should cut back on how much coffee i drink, it's always over 6 cups daily.

omni ❄️ 580 days ago

it's christmas day.

omni 💤 583 days ago

so exhausted. can't exactly think of anything inventive or interesting to mention either, so i'll just sleep.

omni ✏️ 587 days ago

trying to decide on what i want for the favicon of my website. right now, it's edgy design vs slightly less edgy design.

omni 📖 594 days ago

going to read soul eater today, i've been meaning to for a while anyway. excited!!

omni 🎶 663 days ago

listening to mafumafu right now! it's been a while since i've heard the song final declaration, it's one of my favourite songs of his.

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