6/8 pages of my comic have final sketches. HHHHH the hard part is almost over...
- Homepage
- https://nuxill.neocities.org/
- Not defined
- About
- I ahve no idea what I'm doing
why do I always have to go to the bathroom right as I'm about to sit down to work?
Why does making my character turn up fix the problem. Please RPGMaker make sense
Having a visual glitch with one NPC that another doesn't get and I can't figure out why it's happening. About to pull my hair out
3/4ths done writing all this dialogue... I'm kinda glad I put this off for so long since it gave me time to stew in my thoughts
the urge to spam pictures of this comic as I draw it is sooo high but im being good
tried making muffins with the bf.... did not go according to plan LMAO
I wish making cutscenes wasn't such a chore in RPGMaker...
working on the last bits of revision of carrier's first draft yeehaw
why do musicians never add their bandcamp to their websites. I don't want to stream your music I wanna B U Y it
Finished Carrier scene document... last 20 or so scene are me going "UHH IDK SOMETHING HAPPENS" but first draft is fucking DONE
Writing Nocti's dialogue is fun because I can just take experiences from my childhood for inspiration.
Common Events are the most powerful tool in all of RPGMaker and I keep forgetting to use them like a FOOL
bf drew new art of our characters being lovey dovey and HHHH I want to absorb it into my soul
my boyfriend is watching japanese youtube poop videos featuring curious george. Of his own accord
wrote a journal entry time for TOYS
I need to get the meds I need to be able to do things but i cant get my body to get off the chair
I love playing toys with my BF... get yourself a group of OCs and share doodle comics of them with your friends.
Bf drew my ocs fucking and it's soooo good I can't stop laughing.