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i'm Allan, or Allen. i love being a queerfag


notelegy 💻 613 days ago

finally updating liedown1 :)

notelegy 🐱 679 days ago

7-8pm is prime prowling time for st augustine cats

notelegy 🛼 681 days ago

ludens coughdrops.....................

notelegy 🛼 692 days ago

going back to the parking garage tomorrow

notelegy 🎱 693 days ago

i did chance it w grindr btw. i chanced it. holy shit (affectionate terror)

notelegy 🎱 701 days ago

would god protect me if i tried to download grindr again. not chancing it but

notelegy 🛼 705 days ago

thank you for the cherry chapstick

notelegy 🛼 710 days ago

two days (1.5) till i move to st augustine...

notelegy 🎱 716 days ago

no bowl of lifesavers mints in lobby 2666 goes unravaged

notelegy 📰 716 days ago

my last therapy appointment w Gabriel is today, soon. i'm going to ask him what he's noted in the past few months

notelegy 💻 721 days ago

very wearily experimenting with javascript

notelegy 🎶 723 days ago

(Antichrist Television Blues) by Arcade Fire...? ...bruce, is that you?

notelegy 💻 723 days ago

i'm fascinated by the whole realm of relating tech to angels, i.e. "the red lights on radio towers are kind eyes of angels,' etc, it's weird

notelegy 🌧️ 724 days ago

no storms for about a week and today we're getting what we deserve- it's loud and promising. i hope it's as bad as it looks

notelegy 📰 725 days ago

oh Joep Beving, we're really in it now

notelegy 🎱 728 days ago

bite the bullet bite the bullet

notelegy 📰 729 days ago

applying for my first archivist position.. stressed, but thank you elizabeth kostova for changing 14-year-old me's entire trajectory

notelegy 📰 730 days ago

All it's really been is leaving, and coming back. and leaving, not wanting to come back. coming back anyway.

notelegy 📺 738 days ago

playing Jeopardy as i watch and i feel so giddy, i feel like a kid, and my score isn't too shabby

notelegy 📰 741 days ago

every time someone thinks im named after that poet i lose 5 years off my life. he makes me miserable, he's a confidant spoiled

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