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He/Him, She/Her

Just some guy thinking about her OCs. Also using too much the phone.


northerburn 🙂 15 days ago

Just 1 test and i will be in summer (winter in the US) vacation

northerburn 🙂 22 days ago

I was so happy thinking my XBOX 360 was still "alive", just to face the reality. RIP 2015-2020. I need to learn to fix it someday

northerburn 🥹 36 days ago

Ending this uni semester. I cant wait to be in recess

northerburn 💀 75 days ago

When you retire of writing FNAF fics, but your brain decided to go back and make a new one

northerburn 🎮 86 days ago

Happy birthday, my sweet The Sims 2. 20 full years of existence.

northerburn 💔 88 days ago

I need to have new interests, young me was writing fanfics and doing fun stuff, now I'm kinda burnt out. :(

northerburn 😭 93 days ago

I can play The Sims 3, write stories and roleplay at the same time?! And that i hasn't having fun because I played the same way since 2015!

northerburn 💻 98 days ago

I finally discovered how to put an site badge, now I have my own. Learning is fun!

northerburn ✏️ 100 days ago

The fear of hate if i decided to make an fannon AU, until I remember I don't need to share with anyone but me.

northerburn 💻 120 days ago

Making little process in my site, just need to learn more how to do things...

northerburn ✏️ 128 days ago

Thinking about my OCs, my finger hurts, so now I just daydream about them.

northerburn 🎮 130 days ago

The Sims Castaway is fun, so much childhood memories about it.