Being a noob in GTA SA is PAIN. Almost 10 times trying to beat Wrong Side of the Tracks, being frustrated and deciding to play Bully instead
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He/Him, She/Her
Just some guy thinking about her OCs. Also using too much the phone.
Goodbye Pinterest, hello going to my childhood method: having random ideas like a 9 year old again
Saying goodbye to my old phone. I think i dont need two if i ll just use one with more space
My mom thinks i need do share my stories in social media, she said i need to share more things...
I miss roleplaying. I remember hosting some on Wattpad 2019, with people. It was fun having a social life in the web
I hate being in my phone all the time. My vacation is ending and I didn't do the majority of the things I've wanted...
Just 1 test and i will be in summer (winter in the US) vacation
I was so happy thinking my XBOX 360 was still "alive", just to face the reality. RIP 2015-2020. I need to learn to fix it someday
Ending this uni semester. I cant wait to be in recess
When you retire of writing FNAF fics, but your brain decided to go back and make a new one
Happy birthday, my sweet The Sims 2. 20 full years of existence.
I need to have new interests, young me was writing fanfics and doing fun stuff, now I'm kinda burnt out. :(
I can play The Sims 3, write stories and roleplay at the same time?! And that i hasn't having fun because I played the same way since 2015!
I finally discovered how to put an site badge, now I have my own. Learning is fun!
The fear of hate if i decided to make an fannon AU, until I remember I don't need to share with anyone but me.
Making little process in my site, just need to learn more how to do things...
Thinking about my OCs, my finger hurts, so now I just daydream about them.
The Sims Castaway is fun, so much childhood memories about it.