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nobodythatyouknowlol 😶 67 days ago

i feel bad but at the same time i feel like i shouldn't. I don't really know how to feel about these entries tbh.

nobodythatyouknowlol 💀 70 days ago

me getting in trouble is basically a weekly routine now so I've been caring less and less. love you mom!

nobodythatyouknowlol 😴 71 days ago

yawn... another school day another forgettable day... can june just come already please

nobodythatyouknowlol 🙂 74 days ago

oh btw I also went to NYC yesterday. it was pretty cool. got to see times square and such and found a cool restaurant called stardust.

nobodythatyouknowlol 😶 74 days ago

don't think I'm sick anymore so that's a plus. still wish school was over by now tho,,,

nobodythatyouknowlol 😡 77 days ago

grrrrr how many times do I have to be distracted when I have to do smth IMPORTANT!!! Im defs gonna fail the class now. curse you...

nobodythatyouknowlol 🐱 78 days ago

when i have the cat emoji as my status it usually means that i'm being silly or i've lost my mind. 50/50 for those honestly.

nobodythatyouknowlol 💀 80 days ago

ughhhhhhhhhhh my body hurts so bad I wanna go home pleaseeeeee ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh someone helpe me

nobodythatyouknowlol 🙂 80 days ago

ughhhhhhhhhhh my body hurts so bad I wanna go home pleaseeeeee ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

nobodythatyouknowlol 🐱 83 days ago

ermmm been poppin off lately exsqueeze me sauce? thats epic methinks

nobodythatyouknowlol 🙂 91 days ago

Always feel like April is a cursed month for me. it's NOT been good for me since 2022. with that said, happy 2Y anniversary to being cursed!

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