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nichijou ☀️ 2 days ago

goin to comic con.. although i secretly don't really wanna

nichijou ✨ 5 days ago


nichijou ☀️ 5 days ago

so much to do! ugh! I'm leaving for vacation on Wednesday. going to SDCC!

nichijou ☀️ 6 days ago

being an age dreamer is awesome. Yeah I'm a grown adult and I don't like to be treated like a child; but i also just played outside

nichijou 🍞 9 days ago

I opened the freezer this morning and the toaster waffles were squishy.. I didn't believe it so I touched it again and was so devastated..

nichijou 🌈 9 days ago

I'm a useless lesbian, sure, but if someone called me that I'd kill us both.. ( ◡‿◡ )

nichijou ☀️ 11 days ago

we like Stereolab!

nichijou 🌈 13 days ago

i can't stop thinking about woman.. it's taking over my life!! ugyaaaahh!

nichijou 😡 13 days ago

How do you miss by that much!?

nichijou ✨ 13 days ago

basically finished a fanfiction.. YAHOO!

nichijou 🌈 13 days ago

Mai is the least normal person I know, getting warm in the face because a woman said her abdominal cavity was beautiful .. FREAK!

nichijou 🐶 15 days ago

I love pinnipeds!

nichijou 💡 16 days ago

Do you just Don't Wanna. cause I just Don't Wanna.

nichijou 🌧️ 18 days ago

I just took four huge slices of fresh watermelon to my room so happily and as soon as i got there they all fell off and burst everwhere

nichijou ✨ 20 days ago

The green tea goes really well with the hot vanilla almond milk, it brings out the flavors very nicely.. (´ ∀ ` *)

nichijou 🎱 20 days ago

Unpleasant people are so unpleasant to be around..

nichijou ✨ 20 days ago

pfft oh neocities wasn't down..

nichijou 🌧️ 20 days ago

Now how tha heck is neocities gunna be down.. >_>

nichijou 🍕 21 days ago


nichijou 🎶 22 days ago

i am really leaning into this whole internet hermit thing! also, today I played Katamari. I LOVE IT!

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