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real life isopod

my userstyle


niceopod 😎 458 days ago

getting a 3D printer

niceopod 🙂 460 days ago

does this to you

niceopod 🙂 464 days ago

i think im acclimating to this "job" business okay

niceopod 🙂 473 days ago

impeccable vibes this morning

niceopod 😎 477 days ago

oh me? i'm just surfing the web so i can download all the latest files.

niceopod 😭 482 days ago

early morning shift tomorrow

niceopod 🥹 484 days ago

i am so glad that they replaced this emoji

niceopod 💀 485 days ago

I need to leave this planet it is giving me mental illness

niceopod 🙃 487 days ago

regretting taking this stupid course. lmao

niceopod 😎 488 days ago

I use arch btw (a different one now)

niceopod 🍕 497 days ago

The good: had leftover pizza to eat at work today; the bad: work today

niceopod 🔪 499 days ago

julius caesar has been dead for a great many slutty slutty years

niceopod 🍔 502 days ago

full of burger

niceopod 💾 507 days ago

working with exif data in PHP sucks lol

niceopod 🥳 509 days ago

3 days off!! yay!!!

niceopod 🍞 510 days ago

grocery moment

niceopod 🙂 513 days ago

discovered something about my house's electrical system today

niceopod 📺 518 days ago

trying to give up mindlessly clicking on youtube recommendations as a regular activity

niceopod 🙂 519 days ago

wow waking up early is cool

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