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nephos 😇 413 days ago

partner heated up some of the leftover bulgogi i made and just said "beautiful, beautiful"

nephos 🌙 418 days ago

the blood moon is beautiful... it's my first time seeing one in real life and it's so cool

nephos 🙃 423 days ago

vaguely concerned about which direction my headspace has been headed, but powerless to stop it

nephos 🌈 455 days ago

the earth is so wondrous and beautiful

nephos 🙂 476 days ago

the silver lining of a climate where sarcasm and vitriol and criticism reign is that it's now counterculture to be sincere and earnest

nephos ✨ 479 days ago

gonna be uploading some pages to my site in bulk soon! exciting!

nephos 👽 496 days ago

next update is about to go hard

nephos 🌧️ 500 days ago

i wish i had an email penpal </3

nephos 🌈 500 days ago

so ready to be done with my homepage!