aw heck i've got to get back to updating this page
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polycule time
It's so hard to settle on a layout for the Saguru shrine...
graphics topics: heroes 3, autoheart, insaniquarium, dcmk characters/ships, warrior cats, rp forums
lol i just realized i called dreamwidth 'livejournal' in my dreamwidth journaling posts...... lmao
really really really excited i managed to embed dreamwidth posts on my journal page! this bodes well for posting writing snippets...
saguru meta topics 2: presence in canon / recklessness (can i make that a whole topic? surely...) / his family
saguru-meta topics: he doesnt want to catch KID 2 / he is not a by-the-book guy / analyse him + heiji dynamic / relationship to mk chars
maybe for my journal entries i'll embed my dw posts-or at least some? would encourage me to use dw more for sure.
perhaps today I will work on adding some of the web critters i've adopted to my page. Maybe even my tumblr too??
i slept for almost 13 hours
I'm nearing 33 hours without sleep and I feel like I should be way more tired :/ either way i'm determined to have reasonable bedtime 2night
note to self: i really want to make 1) fanlistings, 2) a proper saguru shrine, 3) a fansite for dcmk that contains all my headcanons and aus
time! is! fake! noon feels like midnight rn
lmao. status similar to previous. my sleep schedule's been so bad i've been getting up at noon everyday so TONIGHT im pulling an all nighter
dared to nap for 1 hour in the evening and now i STILL can't sleep.