bizarre things happening rn
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kinda funny that the writing exam was the first time ever for me to actually write korean
took me 20+ years of learning english (and 3 years of learning french) to realize that "petty" is just badly pronounced "petit(e)"
kind of excited for the level test tomorrow. been a while since i took any sort of "exam"
addicted to kara chicken
mataroa is really cool! exactly what i've been looking for
had a nice mediterranean "functional" meal with miso pork + pesto chicken
bored at meetings
hoping to finally fix my sleep schedule tonight
hechalou + junji ito collab is funny as hell
timezones are annoying
i should make an actual blog
halfway done with sogang's 1a textbook
these "user protection measures" of kakao talk are really dumb
kinda feeling like going hiking this weekend
i think i've never seen a hojicha-based milk tea. would it taste terrible?
switched from beginner's 531 to boring but big. that's 4 instead of 3 gym sessions per week but they're much shorter, quite happy about that
seeing the light at the end of the outbox aggregation tunnel
productive day (or night, rather). going to reward myself with a breakfast at jidechi
debugging for hours only to find out the app configuration was missing some basic stuff