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About Me

29 | Autistic | Diagnosed | NB

autistic pride
believe in love
fungus brain
dramatic b*tch
stop animal cruelty
vinyl sexual
non binary pride


nagore 💻 61 days ago

Added piclog.

nagore 🤖 61 days ago


nagore ❤️ 61 days ago

Hope things are okie with them...

nagore 😡 61 days ago

They moved the classes to Friday ;; AAAAA KMS

nagore 💻 61 days ago

Finally managed to write all that was in my diary to my journal/webpage ;-;

nagore 💔 61 days ago

Want to send SMS but the page to recharge isn't even working -______-

nagore 🌧️ 61 days ago

Miss you. Miss you. Miss you.

nagore 🎶 61 days ago

Thinking about getting a Vinyl player in the future, maybe more portable than the one I currently have.

nagore 💻 61 days ago

Perhaps will start working on writing what's on my journal to my website later ~w~

nagore 💤 61 days ago

Need to stop staying up so late, worried.

nagore 🤖 62 days ago

The No Screen Day is almost done, I think I did mostly well, only downside is that I have to write a ton into my website tomorrow.

nagore 🤖 62 days ago

Is going to take a lot to write this into my web page later, but I hope is to some use in the future.

nagore 🎶 63 days ago

I'm going to listen to vinyls, at least it has no screen and I can cover my eyes.

nagore 💀 63 days ago

I hate myself for taking this decision, I'm still using status cafe to at least keep a small journal of how my mood changes through this.

nagore 💀 63 days ago

I wish I was strong enough to end it. Every moment I'm alive feels like a struggle.

nagore 💻 63 days ago

Since I'm unable to sleep at the moment, going to watch a bunch of videos I had in my view later list.

nagore ❤️ 63 days ago

I feel proud of what I've become today, things that used to bother me, don't anymore.

nagore 💀 63 days ago

Tomorrow's no screen day for me, hope it goes well.

nagore 🤖 64 days ago

At least I got homework done today.

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