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greetings, dear wanderer! ˚⋆(੭⁺ˊᵕˋ੭∘) i'm maia, & this place is my little safe heaven to share thoughts i have through the days. most of them will sound a little depressive & sad, so i'm sorry in advance. anyways, enjoy all thoughts shared!

my current mood is: The current mood of mysardencut at


mysardencut 📰 22 hours ago

a little spider crawled up my leg twice while i was reading spider-man... peter parker, is that you?

mysardencut 📰 3 days ago

it’s not a want anymore, it’s a need of mine to wear a ghostface costume for halloween. even though i know i won’t be going to any party.

mysardencut 📰 4 days ago

i'm tired & discouraged all the time. i honestly don't know what's wrong with me, it sucks.

mysardencut 📰 6 days ago

my brain operates in a very specific way & sometimes it makes me do dumb things.

mysardencut 📰 8 days ago

work has been draining all my energy these days. too tired to do anything i'm passionate about.

mysardencut 📰 16 days ago

oh, no. reid looks excessively cute & cozy in this episode, i just want to kiss him breathless, till his lips are red & swollen.

mysardencut 📰 18 days ago

the most baby girl thing a man can do is tuck his hair behind his ear. i can't do this anymore, it's too much for my weak heart.

mysardencut 📰 18 days ago

“you look like a pipe cleaner with eyes. i could snap you like a twig”. i can't stop laughing, poor spencer!

mysardencut 📰 19 days ago

am i weird for not having friends...? i've been failing to bond with new people for a long while now, that's a little sad.

mysardencut 📰 19 days ago

probably talking to pretty boy spencer reid on character ai.

mysardencut 📰 20 days ago

collecting another star wars villain like pokémon (yes, this is about qimir).

mysardencut 📰 22 days ago

i've been so [redacted] frustrated lately, it's not even funny anymore.

mysardencut 📰 28 days ago

two cups of coffee & i’m still sleepy. i think i’m anemic.

mysardencut 📰 29 days ago

headaches are the worst, arrggh!

mysardencut 📰 30 days ago

lately i found myself obsessed with jungle's songs. they're like a breath of fresh air.

mysardencut 📰 31 days ago

fucking hell, i'm going to have nightmares with this match between brazil & costa rica. it's not healthy how stressed i'm able to get.

mysardencut 📰 32 days ago

polyphia must be the most cool rock band i've ever heard my whole life. these guys are so freaking talented, it's scary!

mysardencut 📰 72 days ago

twenty one autumns. it was a very good day & i'm overjoyed. happy birthday to me!

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