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mutpie 🔥 8 days ago

i saw megadeth + mudvayne last night !!!!! 1st concert ever and i got free pit access :) very awesome

mutpie 🥰 12 days ago

watched howl's moving castle!! 1 of my friends suggested it to me yesterday...its really good

mutpie ❤️ 20 days ago

returned from vacation, listened 2 a lot of lateralus...

mutpie 😯 48 days ago

I watched Noroi: The Curse. It's actually really good, unfortunately though I had to watch it in wonderful 144p on YouTube.

mutpie 🥳 49 days ago

finished season 2 of mob!!! very silly, also like super cool fight scenes. very excited to watch season 3..

mutpie 👀 49 days ago

testing....working on the site....