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moogleboogles ☕️ 4 hours ago

dark choco cookie come home i cant keep pulling 500 gingerbraves. i need pookie bear

moogleboogles ☀️ 22 days ago

dawntrail more like peaktrail. i cried. like if you cried.

moogleboogles 🎨 35 days ago

chat 10 more days till art fight starts surely i can finish all my prep before then. surely.

moogleboogles ✏️ 81 days ago

doing a commission for my favorite streamer... so excited yet so nervous

moogleboogles 👀 81 days ago

homepage overhaul is finished maybe i'll actually do literally any other page now

moogleboogles 💤 82 days ago

overhauling my homepage again. hopefully i'll settle on smth and actually get some other pages done

moogleboogles 👀 86 days ago

why make an xiv shrine webpage when i can make an xiv shrine website

moogleboogles 🙂 91 days ago

making a new oc :D having to figure out a color palette D:

moogleboogles 😭 147 days ago

mfw i have to make stuff somewhat mobile compatable

moogleboogles 🧐 186 days ago

freedom is when u blast a guy with the oc-ification beam to free them from fandom

moogleboogles 🤔 201 days ago

trying to make an rss feed its an enigma to me

moogleboogles 🎨 205 days ago

im gonna do it im gonna make my ocs into marketable plushies for real this time

moogleboogles 💀 207 days ago

starting the new years off right by becoming hopelessly and insanely fixated on funger like the gods intended 😭

moogleboogles 👽 223 days ago

aaaaaa my dm keeps ending us off on the most suspenseful cliffhangers

moogleboogles 😭 225 days ago

spent all this time making a video player only to hate it and restart

moogleboogles 🎨 227 days ago

one of my favorite streamers just approached me for a commission HELLOOOOO

moogleboogles 😭 228 days ago

bro my package i've been waiting on may have gotten lost

moogleboogles 🤔 228 days ago

im in yippee! now to decide if i wanna play xiv or keep working on neocities