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missy, 28, they/them. queer, disabled, australian.


missymjwriter 🌈 136 days ago

Having some existential crisis', yay... I hate this feeling.

missymjwriter 🥱 142 days ago

Oh... I was going to work on my site but I got distracted and it's now almost 2:30am... good one.

missymjwriter 🤔 145 days ago

Finally updated the Bookbug page... now to update my whole site but I don't want to think about that right now...

missymjwriter 😭 155 days ago

I've been so busy with life and being sick and work that I haven't touched my site or this in a while (I mean it's 10 days but still).

missymjwriter ✅ 166 days ago

Finally got through all my tabs I've had up since like Thursday (it's Sunday).

missymjwriter 📖 170 days ago

Finally finished writing this zine piece... of course it's 44 words over word count and like a week late, nothing else is wrong...

missymjwriter 💻 172 days ago

I shouldn't have procrastinated this zine, really kicking myself now. UGH!

missymjwriter 💻 174 days ago

i should've kept going with coding as a kid... ugh

missymjwriter 😎 177 days ago

first status.cafe post, so hello!