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meow wassup


mishamallow 😴 4 days ago

so many art ideas... but oouuh aaahh sleepy

mishamallow ❤️ 6 days ago

my friends beg me to get drunk and play ff14 with them but i still love them

mishamallow 🙂 10 days ago

the estate of kurt cobain wants 500 v-bucks per song like i'm made of money

mishamallow 💻 10 days ago

date stuff is so annoying to code in any language

mishamallow ✏️ 11 days ago

cursed to draw at tiny resolutions

mishamallow 🍞 16 days ago

full of concha and cawfee

mishamallow 🐱 17 days ago

experiencing decision paralysis

mishamallow 🙂 18 days ago

flaying my body head to toe so i never have to shave again

mishamallow 😡 19 days ago

woke up with a canker sore im so mad

mishamallow 🥱 20 days ago

i should try sleeping sometimes

mishamallow 💤 21 days ago

drew a butt. i sleep now

mishamallow 🥺 22 days ago

can someone buy me a skirt

mishamallow 🤔 22 days ago

would it be weird to have both a comment section and a cbox

mishamallow 💔 23 days ago

this old laptop has been bluescreening a lot. i'm scared fellas

mishamallow ✈️ 25 days ago

new gizz on the 9th wooo

mishamallow 🎶 26 days ago

red vox fomo is hitting hard. rad as hell though

mishamallow 🎶 29 days ago

new red vox single wtf. awauwagh i wish i could see them play at tmg

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