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I want to be a mathematician. It's not going well.


mischinu 🌙 46 days ago

My intellectual faculty is woefully inadequate.

mischinu 🌧️ 48 days ago

So little time....

mischinu 🤖 99 days ago

I'm burnt out about a month too early.

mischinu 🌙 123 days ago

I'm really not sure why people don't like me well enough to talk to me as if I was a person.

mischinu 🌧️ 143 days ago

Alas, poor Yorick! ■

mischinu ☀️ 162 days ago

„I loved not yet, yet I loved to love / I sought what I might love, in love with loving.”

mischinu 🤖 170 days ago

Turns out the exam mark random number generator was quite gracious to me.

mischinu ❤️ 176 days ago

I love and will love Éliane Radigue eternally

mischinu 🌧️ 179 days ago

I'm certain that staying in academia would be better for me than getting a job in the industry and yet I am fraught with worry about staying

mischinu ❤️ 180 days ago

Glad to be here <3